Sunday, 27 January 2019

Election manifesto

I believe in a balance of healthy environment, strong economy, and everyday opportunity. Everyone, whether living in Town or countryside, deserves quality of life.

Environment & planning

We must protect our countryside while improving our Town environment. Urban air quality must be tackled. Electric vehicles will be part of the solution: sufficient off-street park & charge infrastructure will avoid cluttering streets.

There must be predictability of population to plan effectively, sustainably and fairly: for housing, schools, transport, health, open space, and other resources and services.

We currently consume too much electricity from nuclear sources, instead of renewables such as solar and tidal. I oppose nuclear developments on our neighbouring coast.


To secure finance, tourism and agriculture and develop new sectors as we diversify our economy, we need reliable, regular and diverse transport links: working with mainland Normandy to promote trade, as well as looking to Guernsey, the UK, Brittany, and global links.

Our tax system must adapt. Each business sector should pay a fair share, whether locally-owned or not.

Policies should favour the growth of small local businesses into successful larger ones, with incubator schemes to encourage innovative start-ups.

Local government

I have long campaigned for a modernised elected body, with a clear and understandable system of electing members, to take on the challenges the Parish will face in decades to come. New legislation will define the powers of this enhanced municipal body. With by-law making powers delegated by the States to Saint Helier, elected municipal representatives will be able to implement decisions that residents and businesses expect. Ministers should set strategy and work constructively with the Parish, while Deputies should support the Parish's capability to put routine decisions into effect.


Our streets and roads must be safe to walk and cycle around; long-awaited safe routes to schools must be a priority. A Town bus service should link car parks, the markets, health care, and residential areas. Approval has been granted to dense residential development with too little car parking; peripheral car parks should be planned to provide a balance of parking, for both residents and commuters, and greener streets with more trees, pavements, bus stops, cycle routes, and play zones.

Global Jersey

Jersey's international identity has been developing and will further evolve regardless of the UK's relationship with the EU. Our link with the UK, based on mutual advantage and respect, should be enhanced by a higher status in the Commonwealth, autonomous global trading relationships, targeted overseas aid, and international recognition of Jersey's self-governing identity.

To bring legislation into effect more efficiently, it should be agreed with the Crown that Jersey laws of an uncontroversial nature may be assented to by the Lieutenant-Governor.


Education is integral to the community, but must develop contacts to the wider economy. School facilities should be used most cost-efficiently to serve the whole community. Ministerial reorganisation has split education from culture; however heritage and arts should be at the heart of learning to support the development of our creative industries.

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