So why this one? It was a favourite at school, but it's not well known. I still like hearing at at Christmas, so it's natural that I'd eventually get round to a translation. So here it is, an early Christmas present for World Music Day:
Trais rouais d'l'Êst, hoummes avisésauve des présents, v'nez donnervos louanges au p'tit Christ tch'est né:Cum Virgine Maria.
L'or, ch'est un présent rouoya;L'enchens, pouor san rectorat;La myrrhe, ch'est s'n onguent finna:Cum Virgine Maria.
N'y'a pon d'fîn à san pouver;i' règne sus tout tch'a 'té grée;tout s'pâsse s'lon san bouôn vouler:Cum Virgine Maria.
Quand veindra la dreine jug'giequ'i' pardonne not' mauvaîtchij'nos fiêthons à san pitchiCum Virgine Maria.
À li sait toute louange, toute glouaithe,tout honneu et toute victouaithe;jé n'pouôrrons janmais nos taithe:Cum Virgine Maria.
Les anges en tchoeu prannent lé vo;i' louangent d'ité coumme d'itochu saint mousse bèrchi dans l'tro:Cum Virgine Maria.
Chantons touos à l'Iun en Traisnos cantiques en tchoeurs dé jouaiepouor l'béni à haûteu d'vouaix:Cum Virgine Maria.
Eastern monarchs, Sages Three,Come with gifts in great plenty.Worship Christ on bended knee --Cum Virgine Maria.
2. Gold, in honour of the King,Incense to the Priest they bring,Myrrh, for time of burying --Cum Virgine Maria.
3. On His might (it hath no end)All created things depend,To His will the world must bend --Cum Virgine Maria.
On that dreadful day, the last,he forgive our sinful past;To his mercy cling we fast,cum Virgine Maria.
4. His the praise and glory be,Laud and honour, victorie,Power supreme! and so sing weCum Virgine Maria.
5. On the feast-day of His birth,Set on thrones above the earth,Angels chant in holy mirthCum Virgine Maria.
6. Thus, to bless the One in Three,Let this present companyRaise the voice of melody --Cum Virgine Maria.
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