Thursday, 21 June 2018

Trais rouais d'l'Êst, hoummes avisés - Eastern monarchs, Sages Three,

Since it's World Music Day, here's a song translation. Yes, it's a Christmas carol, but à forche dé crier Noué, i' veint. I started working on it at Christmas last year when I was in a Christmassy mood, but obviously not in such an inspired mood to get around to finishing it. I came across the fragment a few days ago, and coming back to it fresh I quickly sketched in the gaps and then finished it off. I've left the chorus line in Latin, but I might offer an alternative at some point.

So why this one? It was a favourite at school, but it's not well known. I still like hearing at at Christmas, so it's natural that I'd eventually get round to a translation. So here it is, an early Christmas present for World Music Day:

Trais rouais d'l'Êst, hoummes avisés
auve des présents, v'nez donner
vos louanges au p'tit Christ tch'est né:
Cum Virgine Maria.

L'or, ch'est un présent rouoya;
L'enchens, pouor san rectorat;
La myrrhe, ch'est s'n onguent finna:
Cum Virgine Maria.

N'y'a pon d'fîn à san pouver;
i' règne sus tout tch'a 'té grée;
tout s'pâsse s'lon san bouôn vouler:
Cum Virgine Maria.

Quand veindra la dreine jug'gie
qu'i' pardonne not' mauvaîtchi
j'nos fiêthons à san pitchi
Cum Virgine Maria.

À li sait toute louange, toute glouaithe,
tout honneu et toute victouaithe;
jé n'pouôrrons janmais nos taithe:
Cum Virgine Maria.

Les anges en tchoeu prannent lé vo;
i' louangent d'ité coumme d'ito
chu saint mousse bèrchi dans l'tro:
Cum Virgine Maria.

Chantons touos à l'Iun en Trais
nos cantiques en tchoeurs dé jouaie
pouor l'béni à haûteu d'vouaix:
Cum Virgine Maria.

Eastern monarchs, Sages Three,
Come with gifts in great plenty.
Worship Christ on bended knee --
Cum Virgine Maria.

2. Gold, in honour of the King,
Incense to the Priest they bring,
Myrrh, for time of burying --
Cum Virgine Maria.

3. On His might (it hath no end)
All created things depend,
To His will the world must bend --
Cum Virgine Maria.

On that dreadful day, the last,
he forgive our sinful past;
To his mercy cling we fast,
cum Virgine Maria.

4. His the praise and glory be,
Laud and honour, victorie,
Power supreme! and so sing we
Cum Virgine Maria.

5. On the feast-day of His birth,
Set on thrones above the earth,
Angels chant in holy mirth
Cum Virgine Maria.

6. Thus, to bless the One in Three,
Let this present company
Raise the voice of melody --
Cum Virgine Maria.

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