Tuesday, 31 July 2018

The Marrow Song - en Jèrriais

Having done a translation of the music hall classic The Marrow Song into Jèrriais, I couldn't resist perpetrating this performance.

Par la carre un houmme démeuthe, ch'est iun des vrais mêssieurs,
tchi tchultivit un vèrt m'lon pouor mouontrer au show ès flieurs
et quand nou-s'en avait ouï l'brit, nou vînt dé touos les bords
et quand nou-s'avait veu san m'lon, nou criyit coumme d'amors:

Oh mais tchi bieauté, j'n'en avais janmais veu iun si gros dévant!
Oh mais tchi bieauté, i' dait aver dans les deux pids dé grand!
Il a eune si belle couleu, tout bein et rond et gras:
j'n'ai janmais creu qu'un vèrt m'lon craîtrait grand coumme chenna.
Oh mais tchi bieauté, j'n'en avais janmais veu iun si gros dévant!

Friday, 27 July 2018

Elections for Procureurs du Bien Public

An election for one Procureur du Bien Public in each parish is held every 18 months. The next elections will be on 12 September 2018.

The nomination meeting for Procureur du Bien Public in Saint Helier will be at 7pm on 15th August.

To vote in this election you must have registered by midday on Tuesday 14 August 2018 which is the day before the nomination meeting date.

Les Chaboleurs

Les Chaboleurs traditional dance meet-ups:

Mondays 6-7pm 30th July, 13th & 20th August, 3rd September,
then alternate Saturdays 12-1pm starting 15th September;
all at Young Farmers' Club, Rue de Bechet, Trinity

(£2 per adult contribution per session, please, to cover cost of hiring hall - children free)

Monday, 16 July 2018

Firing the Saint Helier Day cannon

Thursday, 12 July 2018

What is a Procureur du Bien Public?

What is a Procureur du Bien Public?

Each Parish has two Procureurs du Bien Public, elected for a 3-year term by the voters of the whole Parish at a public election (basically in the same way as Connétables, Centeniers, Senators and Deputies). Translated literally into English, the title means "attorney of the public good" or perhaps "attorney of the common wealth", and the position has from time immemorial had the responsibility of looking after the financial and legal affairs of Parishioners. At its simplest this means keeping an eye on spending and income and acting on behalf of the Parish in legal transactions. However a Procureur du Bien Public may be called upon to serve as acting Connétable.

Saturday, 7 July 2018

International Kissing Day

International Kissing Day happened on social media yesterday. I've written a poem:

Vé-t-en pouor qué j'té baîse et baive tan soûffl'ye;
j'dgêpe dans ches lèvres, radgîn, raide rapacyi,
affanmé - j'mang'geai ta chai - mé, l'êcoufl'ye.
Envitoue-mé atout tén atonmie.

Man nièr d'si, chu corbîn tchi bécote dû
ail'tonne lé tout d'ches tchiêsses, bliesse atout l'bé,
baîse auve des brais pitchants chu fricot nu;
et ma langue futh'tétha dans un fliotchet

d'baîsièrs, des nues d'bliûtinnes tchi bliâquent et bèquent.
J'y sûffliéthai et sup'thai dans chu nid,
un liet d'ossâle d'ouaîth'lîn avaû l'héthèque
et j'y juqu'thai toute eune journée d'baîs'sie.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Interviewed on Russian television

I was interviewed for Russian television about Jèrriais (partly in Russian) - report starts at around 44 minute mark

What is a Procureur du Bien Public?

What is a Procureur du Bien Public? Each Parish has two Procureurs du Bien Public , elected for a 3-year term by the voters of the whole...