In recent years Jersey's international identity has developed, and following Brexit will need to evolve further as a new relationship with our European Union neighbours is established. A strong relationship with the United Kingdom based on mutual advantage and respect should be reinforced by a higher profile in the Commonwealth, autonomous trading relationships across the world, the strengtheming of links forged through targeted overseas aid, and other institutional advances.
In order to improve the passage of legislation, it should be agreed with the United Kingdom that Jersey laws of an uncontroversial nature should in future be capable of being assented to by the Lieutenant-Governor, rather than having to pass through the Privy Council in London.
Sunday, 22 April 2018
Saturday, 21 April 2018
I have been employed as a teacher of Jèrriais within the Department for Education since 2000, and before then worked as a language teacher and also for a time as Assistant Education Officer at Jersey Zoo. I have also been involved in teaching the history of Jersey through the production of children's books and the teaching of Jersey Studies in primary schools.
Ministerial reorganisation has separated education from culture, however heritage and arts should be at the heart of learning, enabling integration and opportunity as part of the creative economy.
School facilities should be used most cost-efficiently to serve the whole community. Investment in digital technology in schools should enable them to be used effectively as community hubs outside of school hours. Given the large financial investment made in the facilities, we should get the best value out of them - this cross-fertilisation and integration in the community would also have educational and cultural benefits.
We need safe routes to schools.
Ministerial reorganisation has separated education from culture, however heritage and arts should be at the heart of learning, enabling integration and opportunity as part of the creative economy.
School facilities should be used most cost-efficiently to serve the whole community. Investment in digital technology in schools should enable them to be used effectively as community hubs outside of school hours. Given the large financial investment made in the facilities, we should get the best value out of them - this cross-fertilisation and integration in the community would also have educational and cultural benefits.
We need safe routes to schools.
Friday, 20 April 2018
New community spaces in Saint Helier
On Wednesday evening we are bringing a couple of projets to the Parish Assembly for the acquisition of new community spaces in Saint Helier - preserving green space and providing public access.
As Procureur du Bien Public I have no hesitation in recommending these propositions to Parishioners. The paperwork can be downloaded here.
THE PARISHIONERS are asked to take into consideration and if deemed advisable to approve
the recommendation of the Connétable and Procureurs du Bien Public to purchase a parcel of land to the north of the Pet Cabin, St John’s Road, known as "La Chenée" for the sum of £5,000 which has been offered to the Parish to provide a public community space, the Parish of St Helier to pay all reasonable legal fees involved in the transaction, and to authorise the Connétable and at least one Procureur du Bien Public to pass the necessary contract in relation thereto.
the recommendation of the Connétable and Procureurs du Bien Public to accept £20,000 plus all reasonable legal fees from the St Helier Youth and Community Trust and to purchase a field to the north of La Pouquelaye Community Centre and Centre Point Trust, La Pouquelaye. The use of the land is to provide a public community space.
As Procureur du Bien Public I have no hesitation in recommending these propositions to Parishioners. The paperwork can be downloaded here.
Environment & planning
Environment & planning
In order to plan effectively and fairly for present and future needs, we need to have some predictability for population levels and demands. In order for suitable housing to be available and affordable for all, we need a target which can be met, not an artificially induced demand which can never be satisfied. We need to plan schools, transport, energy, health and other services on the basis of a sustainable level of population. Even with natural increase in population and rising expectations, we face challenges to provide what people want and need. Technology may replace some demands for transport, education, electricity and so on, but the legislation needs to be in place in good time to enable providers, whether private or public, to move forward and invest.
Air quality in Town is currently a problem. Electric vehicles will be part of the answer, but the infrastructure needs to be in place: providing offstreet parking and charging will avoid cluttering streets.
Currently a large amount of the electricity we consume is from nuclear sources. I oppose nuclear developments on our neighbouring coast and support renewable alternatives such as solar and tidal.
Local government
Local government
I was first elected to the Roads Committee of Saint Helier in 1996 and served in local government in that capacity until 2016 when elected Procureur du Bien Public.
A Procureur is now empowered to stand in for the Connétable for certain municipal functions; in effect, we have moved towards a situation whereby the Procureurs act as Deputy Connétables.
The traditional rôle of a Procureur continues: that of being the "attorney of the public good" - to oversee the financial and legal interests of the Parish and to act as the Parish's representative in financial and legal transactions as authorised by the Parish Assembly. The Procureurs also recommend transactions and expenditure for the Assembly's approval. In Saint Helier, by convention, the Procureurs du Bien Public attend (but cannot vote at) meetings of the Roads Committee, making that committee the Parish's de facto municipal council, an equivalent of a town commune or council in counterpart countries.
New legislation will be required to lay out formally that powers of a new municipal body with a clear and understandable system of electing members to that body. By-law making powers should be delegated by the States to Saint Helier, so that locally elected representatives can make the efficient decisions and implement the projects that residents and ratepayers demand.
Saint Helier Roads Committee
Here's the agenda for next week's Saint Helier Roads Committee meeting:
Wednesday 25 April 2018 at 9.30am
First Floor Committee Room, Town Hall
A1. Apologies
A2. Declarations of interest
A3. To approve minutes of meeting held on 28 March 2018 (‘A’ Agenda items)
A4. Matters arising
A5. To consider traffic issues in St Aubin’s Road
A6. To consider a request for an alfresco at 11a Market Street
A7. To consider a request for an alfresco at 31 La Colomberie
A8. To consider the Parish Roads Programme for 2018/19
A9. To consider recent Planning Applications
A10. Any other business
B1. To approve minutes of meeting held on 28 March 2018 (‘B’ Agenda items)
B2. Matters arising
Thursday, 12 April 2018
Wednesday, 4 April 2018
Halkett Street refurbishment
Baliwick Express reports:
Geraint Jennings, St. Helier's Procureur du Bien Public, told Express: “Halkett Street has been in need of repaving for some years; the state of the surface has been damaged by the wear of many delivery vehicles serving the street."
He added: “Following consultation with traders, and possible advice from Planning, a final design including street furniture and hanging baskets will be brought to the Committee for a decision. As an important commercial street in the historic heart of Town, adjacent to the markets and overlooked by crags and ramparts, Halkett Street deserves, as do all its users, a renewal that will be attractive and cost-effective.”
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What is a Procureur du Bien Public?
What is a Procureur du Bien Public? Each Parish has two Procureurs du Bien Public , elected for a 3-year term by the voters of the whole...
What is a Procureur du Bien Public? Each Parish has two Procureurs du Bien Public , elected for a 3-year term by the voters of the whole...
Yesterday we had a Visite Royale in Saint Helier. This visit of inspection by the Royal Court comes round every 6 years (the Court v...
My Jèrriais version of Скрізь плач, і стогін, і ридання by Lesya Ukrainka